Monday, February 28, 2005
By: Dorothy Anne Seese
Don't even consider the idea that Terri Schiavo's case is either unique or particular to her family in this Machiavellian age. It is neither. An individual ordered by a court, sentenced to death by starvation because she is "a useless feeder" is each and every one of us under similar circumstances, a human over whom the state has exercised the power of life and death absent any crime and punishment being involved. The punishment is for being useless, a burden to the state, considered a soulless offspring of the detestable theory of evolution that renders all of us just an accident in primordial slime.
She is me because I am disabled with a spinal fracture. She is every maimed and "useless" veteran of the wars in which America has involved itself for political reasons and left behind the unnamed military personnel, some teenagers, whose lives will be spent as disabled persons requiring continual medical care. She is each elderly person whose life has been spent going to school, getting married, having children, being a productive worker for the government's tax program and a contributor to Social Security. She is you and me and all of these people who were disabled by an accident at work, at home, in an automobile.
She is an American who was once an able-bodied person welcomed by the gods of the state. Now she has been sentenced to die as a useless feeder.
We don't have miracles any more, and this nation surely has spit in the face of God with its disregard for the sanctity of life. Sanctity of life, permanence of marriage and stability of the home belonged to some ancient age from around 1970 and prior when we had values and didn't need to broadcast it for reassurance that the lie will stick. Values indeed. If there is any value higher than that of the sanctity of life and the sovereign will of God, then even God has not made that proclamation!
America is utilitarian now, or Hegelian, or anything the government wants to brand it.
We're anything except free. We aren't human, we have no soul, and the state owns us and the children of those who are parents. Then people write and ask, "how do you figure we're not free?" Duh.
The leadership and the high courts of this nation have brought upon it the beginning of the judgment of Almighty God and the intensity of that judgment will increase with every wrong this nation perpetrates upon its own citizens and those in other sovereign nations under a translucent veil of "spreading freedom."
Beware of following the philosophy of a government that has no respect for life or belief in God. Those are elements in the statement of faith of our forefathers who built this nation. Even the atheists of their time weren't as crass as the "egalitarian" leadership of today, wicked judges and pretenders to the throne of God who will perish with their hubris.
A generation of liars in high places will bring the nation and its people to ruin, history sets its seal to that thesis.
Think about this, prospective parents, Social Security recipients, those with parents in nursing homes, and those in hazardous occupations (including driving a motor vehicle in expressway traffic): will the state take a newborn with Down's Syndrome and give it a lethal injection? Will those who paid for Social Security "insurance" stolen by the government for foreign war meddling be "vaccinated" with a lethal fluid? Will your parents suddenly have a stroke and then die while you are at work, or in the middle of the night? I received a call in the middle of the night that my mother had a second stroke, but was never apprised of the first. I was injured at work and discharged by a doctor on friendly terms with my employer as "medically stable with no permanent impairment" when I had two spinal fractures.
It can happen to anyone, yes it can happen to you, and the anyones and you and I no longer have any say in our "representative" government. Ask the people on the street if they feel adequately represented. Look at the articles, the statistics, you will find that the people want one thing and the government wants another. Guess who wins?
Terri Schiavo is one individual, a living soul who is about to suffer death by starvation at the mandate of the court of "justice" as it is now interpreted in this godless land. If our military starved an enemy captive to death there would be an international uproar and courts martial. But a helpless woman whose husband wishes to remarry? A burden to the state? Not a problem for the judges to order such a person to die.
But remember, she is not just one individual.
She is all of us, each of us, one of us.
Her judgment and sentence is ours also.
There is but one judgment for perverse judges and evildoers to fear, and that is the final judgment of God, when true justice is revealed against all unrighteousness, in this land and around the world.
We have that on infallible Authority from the Judge Himself. Amen!
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Dorothy Anne Seese is a freelance political writer for Patch Work papers and a regular columnist for Ether Zone.
We invite you to visit her website at Flagship
Dorothy Anne Seese can be reached at carrot710@yahoo.com
Published in the February 28, 2005 issue of Ether Zone.
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