Terri Schiavo

Monday, February 14, 2005

Save Terri Schiavo from being murdered

If you can get this information to as many people as possible and have them do the same and so on then we will get a good geometrical progression going on in regards to actions being taken on Terri's behalf. Ping your lists, post to your state locales and send it to via e-mail and otherwise. Spread it out and do take action.

George Felos says that people are nuts who are trying to help this Terri from being murdered. He says that if you put Michael Schiavo in Google that by now you will see that he conspired with Bin Laden, etc. Can we please show Mr. Felos he is the nutcase and that he is helping to aid and abet murder?

This has the latest link from Empire Journal.. If anyone thinks anything needs to be added please let me know:


pc93 reporting:

Called several numbers on the contact list of people on the Judicial Committee to call to voice displeasure with House Bill 0523 / Senate Bill 0988. I got down to Baxley and his secretary said he didn't know of the HB0523. His secretary told me so. Get on those phones people. She brought it up and said "Oh my". Basically I told her what it was about. I said that the House Bill HB701 was a good bill. Baxley is the one who is the sponsor of it she said. Apparently it is similar to the HB692 that never made it to the floor because of Jim King and his Legacy (legacy of brutality, etc.). Baxley's secretary is going to bring HB0523 to Rep. Baxley's attention. Senator Campbell is the sponsor of the heinous bill in the senate (Senate Bill 0988). I couldn't find one of the sponsors of the House Bill -> Mr. Carlos Lopez-Cantera but Baxley's secretary got me his phone number. Tallahassee: 850-488-4202. District Office: 305-442-6977. Basically Baxley's secretary told me in regards to a question I had about asking a Rep. about who is responsible for a bill being introduced, etc. that most Reps. will tell you who it is, etc. Time to find out people. Make some calls.

Flores and Cantera need some calls as well as the Judicial Committee Members and your own particular FL House and Senate Reps.



Here is a report from earlier yesterday (02-07-05):

I just recently got off the phone with someone (Kelly) in Senator Campbell's office approx 3:13pm. I wanted to find out who he was sponsoring the Senate Bill 0988 (Dead man's statute). When Kelly called me back she relayed to me that he was sponsoring it for the States Attorney's Office. I asked which one as there are various States Attorney's. She said the States Attorney's Office AS-A-WHOLE. This is very telling. The States Attorney's Office has refused to investigate crimes against Terri Schiavo and now they want to let the courts and others get off scott free because of their new bill they want to get passed. This is inexcusable and smacks of corruption to me. They want to make hearsay testimony in court that was accepted in court be valid in determining whether a conflicted guardian through the courts can have someone put to death by asserting false wishes, etc. As long as a corrupt judge accepts the hearsay wishes then they want to make it OK. They also want to get off the hook for not investigating those trying to murder Terri. We cannot let them succeed. She is being denied having her own voice through denial of rehab and therapy and she is still being held hostage by the Hospice of the Florida Suncoast, Inc. who has connections to the Office of Elder Affairs and the Department of Health. Is this why they are letting be held hostage for almost 5 years? and why they have been allowed in the past to make 2 other attempts on her life through dehydration/starvation which is against the laws of this state? They try to make this a right-to-die case but it is simply a right-to-kill case and one that involves criminal intent to murder giving the appearance that it is lawful... their trickery is under color of law. Please act!!!

We have a potential legislative crisis in Florida that affects vulnerable persons. Florida's Evidence Code may soon be modified in such a way that hearsay testimony (of an incapacitated person's oral declarations) from potentially conflicted guardians, beneficiaries or heirs at law could become admissible in a court of law.

Currently, Florida Statute 90.602 provides protection for incapacitated persons by forbidding self-serving hearsay of alleged oral declarations as admissible evidence in court:

(1) No person interested in an action or proceeding against the personal representative, heir at law, assignee, legatee, devisee, or survivor of a deceased person, or against the assignee, committee, or guardian of a mentally incompetent person, shall be examined as a witness regarding any oral communication between the interested person and the person who is deceased or mentally incompetent at the time of the examination.

Link: 90.602 Testimony of interested persons.

But some Florida lawmakers are interested in eliminating this particular protection for vulnerable persons by repealing FS-90.602 and incorporating the following measure titled HB-0523. An identical Senate Bill exists under the title S-0988. This would change the evidence code in the following fashion:

13 Section 1. Section 90.602, Florida Statutes, is repealed....

20 (e) Statement by deceased or ill declarant similar to one
21 previously admitted.--If a declarant is unavailable as provided
22 in paragraph (1)(d), a written or oral statement made regarding
23 the same subject matter as another statement made by the
24 declarant that has previously been admitted in evidence.
25 Section 3. This act shall take effect July 1, 2005.

Links: House Bill 0523 Senate Bill 0988 http://flsenate.gov/cgi-bin/view_page.pl?File=hb0523.html&Directory=session/2005/House/bills/billtext/html&Tab=session&Submenu=1
This bill, if passed into law, may serve to eliminate a very important standard of evidence and reduce the rights and protections of incapacitated Floridians yet another notch. Considering the dangers that already exist for Floridians who have been deemed incompetent by the court, this act could effectively remove bars against abuses of the incapacitated person's financial interests and medical treatment desires by the guardian or other interested parties by allowing hearsay to be considered evidence in guardianship proceedings. House Bill 0523 has been pre-filed as of January 25, 2005 and is slated to be heard by the House Judiciary Committee sometime leading up to regular session in March. The anticipated effective date of this act is July 1, 2005.

According to the committee's Council Director, David de la Paz, it is not too late for Floridians to make their displeasure with this bill known. It is important that Floridians, disability advocates, elder care advocates and advocates for medical ethics reform express their deep concerns over any measure or act that would further encroach upon the rights of our most defenseless citizens.

I ask that you take the time to read and sign the following petition, circulate it to people you know and urge them to commit their signatures. The petition upon the Florida's House and Senate to discontinue consideration of these bills can be found and signed here:


This will be presented to every member of Florida's legislature as well as the House Judiciary Committee. You can also call or email these committee members and ask that they not give favorable consideration to any measure that would adversely affect Florida's vulnerable population or give guardians yet another avenue for abuse. Please circulate this.

If you would like to contact Florida's representatives individually, their contact details follow:

Link: House Judiciary Committee Home Page

Bill Sponsors:

FL House
Carlos Lopez-Cantera 850-488-4202
Anitere Flores 850-488-2831

FL Senate
Walter G. "Skip" Campbell Jr. 850-487-5094

House Judicial Commt.

David Simmons

Juan-Carlos "J.C." Planas

Kevin Ambler

Dennis Baxley


Dan Gelber

Michael Grant

Jeffrey Kottkamp

Sheri McInvale

Joe Pickens

Curtis Richardson

Dennis Ross

John Seiler

Stephen Hogge

David De La Paz

Link: Appearance Request Form (PDF) http://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Files/H-16%20Appearance%20Record.pdf


Michael Schiavo's Attorney Statement Gives Further Cause For Criminal Investigation

Alleged Legal, Judicial Misconduct By Judge Greer, Attorney Felos Taint Schiavo Case

Felos has reportedly received over $550,000, which has elicited charges that he is perpetuating the case for financial gain. According to the last accounting made public, for the period of March, 1998 when he was first hired until September, 2001, Felos was reportedly paid $307,188. Former attorney Deborah Bushnell was paid $49,958 and there were four other attorneys, two presenting Michael Schiavo and two court-appointed attorneys in the matter. According to the last accounting made public, until Sept. 2001, Felos had been paid $307,188 and he's now claiming he received less than $50,000 for the last four years???? This statement by itself should open the door for a state investigation. Come on Bernie McCabe -- do your job and if you can't, then the DOJ needs to get involved -- NOW PLEASE.


Florida DOH Destroyed Records After Schiavo Doctor Cleared Of Wrongdoing Following Investigation

Judge George Greer Making Mockery Of Florida Judicial System



ALSO A REAL KEY, NEW TALKING POINT: Terri was NEVER represented by counsel while others decided to starve her to death. That's against Florida and U.S. law. Even criminals on death row are entitled to legal counsel.


No to House Bill 0523 and Senate Bill 0988!!!

US Senator Orrin Hatch
104 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510

US Senator Orrin Hatch e-mail Address: http://hatch.senate.gov/index.cfm?Fuseaction=Offices.Contact

Florida Attorney General's Charlie Crist, AG Citizen's Services & Office
1-850-414-3990 / 850-414-3300

Bernie McCabe, State Attorney Pinellas and Pasco Counties

Advocacy Center for Persons with Disabilities
800-342-0823 850-488-9071

Pinellas County GOP

Gov. Jeb Bush
jeb.bush@myflorida.com, fl_governor@myflorida.com, jeb@jeb.org, jeb@myflorida.com

State of Florida Office of Civil Rights

Senator Mel Martinez
Phone: 202-224-3041

Congressman Jim Davis
Phone: (202) 225-3376
FAX: (202) 225-565
DISTRICT: Phone: (813) 354-9217
Florida Toll Free: 1 (888) 266-0205 Fax: (813) 354-9514
Satellite Office: (727) 867-5301 FAX: (727) 867-5302

Florida Senate

Senate President Tom Lee: 1-800-560-4403

Daniel Webster
Capitol Office:
Phone: (850) 487-5047
District Office: (407) 656-0066

The Florida Senate-2004-2006 Senators

alexander.jd.web@flsenate.gov, argenziano.nancy.web@flsenate.gov, aronberg.dave.web@flsenate.gov, atwater.jeff.web@flsenate.gov, baker.carey.web@flsenate.gov, bennett.mike.web@flsenate.gov, bullard.larcenia.web@flsenate.gov, campbell.walter.web@flsenate.gov, carlton.lisa.web@flsenate.gov, clary.charlie.web@flsenate.gov, constantine.lee.web@flsenate.gov, crist.victor.web@flsenate.gov, dawson.mandy.web@flsenate.gov, portilla.alex.web@flsenate.gov, dockery.paula.web@flsenate.gov, fasano.mike.web@flsenate.gov, garcia.rudy.web@flsenate.gov, geller.steven.web@flsenate.gov, haridopolos.mike.web@flsenate.gov, hill.anthony.web@flsenate.gov, jones.dennis.web@flsenate.gov, king.james.web@flsenate.gov, klein.ron.web@flsenate.gov, lawson.alfred.web@flsenate.gov, lee.tom.web@flsenate.gov, lynn.evelyn.web@flsenate.gov, margolis.gwen.web@flsenate.gov, miller.lesley.web@flsenate.gov, peaden.durell.web@flsenate.gov, posey.bill.web@flsenate.gov, pruitt.ken.web@flsenate.gov, rich.nan.web.@flsenate.gov, saunders.burt.web@flsenate.gov, sebesta.jim.web@flsenate.gov, siplin.gary.web@flsenate.gov, smith.rod.web@flsenate.gov, villalobos.alex.web@flsenate.gov, wilson.frederica.web@flsenate.gov, daniel.webster.web@flsenate.gov

Florida House of Representatives 850-488-6026 http://www.myfloridahouse.gov/legislators.aspx

Speaker Allan Bense
Capitol Office:
Phone: (850) 488-1450
District Office:
Phone: (850) 914-6300

Frank Peterman
Capitol Office:
Phone: (850) 488-0925
District Office:
Phone: (727) 552-1370

Florida Department of Law Enforcement

Florida Agency for Persons with Disabilities

Federal Bureau of Investigation
tampa@fbi.gov, jacksonville@fbi.gov

U.S. Department of Justice
Main Switchboard

Office of US AG
U.S. DOJ Disability Civil Rights Section Chief John L Wodatch
Phone: (202) 307-2227 Fax:(202) 307-1198 John.L.Wodatch@usdoj.gov

Section Deputy Chief Renee M Wohlenhaus
Phone: (202) 307-0663

Philip Breen Special Legal Counsel U.S. Department of Justice
Phone: (202) 616-7526 Fax:(202) 307-1198

Liz Savage U.S. Department of Justice
Phone:(202) 514-7173 Fax:(202) 514-0293
E-mail: liz.savage@usdoj.gov

Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Ask them to investigate the Terri Schiavo case


Visit my Terri Schindler-Schiavo Life Ribbon Campaign!


You can download a Terri Life Ribbon Logo for your desktop and you can also get a Terri Schindler-Schiavo Life Ribbon banner for your webpage!


At 4:53 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

My exortation to the Florida House Representatives and the Florida Senate Senators:

February 11, 2005

Dear Esteemed House Representatives and Senators, defenders of the constitutional and human rights of all persons (including the most vulnerable and disabled) of our state:

Theresa Schindler-Schiavo needs your help in being placed on the road to her recovery because without that help conflicted, self-interested parties seeking her death, who have via hearsay wishes substituted her voice with theirs, will succeed (through the help of others) in accomplishing her murder. Theresa doesn’t need a substituted voice, she already has one that will further be regained and heard through proper helps afforded her (through your intercession) by those who truly love and will be charged with her care. Since learning of Theresa’s plight in the national media about what was happening in my own backyard I subsequently did extensive research of police records, doctors notes, a suppressed bone scan, notations in Michael Schiavo’s own private journal as to Theresa’s progress, guardianship documentation, court transcripts, depositions, etc. The data was not prejudged but examined diligently as any academic, professional researcher or investigator would have done. Did I walk away with the conclusion that there is a loving husband who is trying to look out for the best interests of his wife and her wishes? No. What I found was that this so-called loving husband had many conflicts of interests, including conflicting statements in various of his testimonies and depositions, etc. in regards to the night of the initial incident of February 25, 1990. Further, an apparent scheme was hatched whereby in the first guardianship paper filings (September 1990) he labeled Theresa VEGETATIVE, that her prognosis was poor and that there were no plans for rehabilitative therapy while on the other hand doctors notes said she could expect a full recovery. It is putting it lightly to say he misled a medical malpractice jury (around November 1992) into awarding him significant amounts of money for promised care and rehabilitation (opposite to his assertions of the initial guardianship documentation). What better scheme could there be to effect a later planned and untimely death? Upon receiving the jury awarded monies he quickly puts Theresa in a nursing home and puts a DNR on her chart (early 1993). Shortly thereafter he denies her antibiotics for a urinary tract infection (UTI) in the hopes that sepsis will occur throughout her body causing her death. He was caught. In court he didn’t say anything about Theresa’s wish not to live artificially or via simple gastrostomy apparatus (G-tube), an alternate feeding mechanism which many of the disabled utilize. When questioned as to whether he would make a similar attempt on her life in the future he thought for a moment and said to the effect that no he wouldn’t because there was apparently some law that prevented him. Later exhibits in court would show that in subsequent timeframes Michael Schiavo tried other means (including possible insulin injection) to effect Theresa’s death and even boasted to one of her caregivers (Carla Iyer) about how he was going to be rich and had the audacity to ask when the bitch was going to die and was she dead yet, etc. Further, Michael retained Deborah Bushnell who it is known through fee petitions contacted attorney George Felos (a self-professed Right-to-Die crusader) as early as 1995 (who officially involved himself in 1997). Felos had been a Chairman of the Board of Hospice of the Florida Suncoast, Inc. and was on the board from 1997-2001. In the fee petitions of Deborah Bushnell and George Felos one sees various schemes to cause Theresa’s death besides those later explored as to supposed wishes not to live “artificially” and their effecting this through starvation and dehydration, like putting her on an IV instead of having a G-tube. Theresa was moved to hospice without required court permission on April 18, 2000. She was admitted as a private pay but not certified as terminal as federal law requires. Felos was still hospice director/board member.

In that Theresa is still a hostage of the Hospice of the Florida Suncoast, Inc. for almost 5 years and that this hospice has connections to Florida’s Office of Elder Affairs and the Department of Health in regards to End-of-Life propaganda material that can be found on their respective Florida government websites and even Federal government websites of the Veteran’s Administration it becomes hard to escape the conclusion that this and other entities (see below) are now trying to lump into their agenda besides the elderly and dying the most vulnerable, injured and disabled of our state. Is this one of the reasons why in the past they have been allowed two prior attempts of murder upon Theresa via dehydration/starvation? Will they now be allowed to attempt a third? There are other parties interested in seeing Theresa being killed who are connected to this hospice organization and are in the same propaganda material (who are actually responsible for the propaganda material), namely Florida Partnership for End-of-Life Care and one of its founders Ken Goodman. Ken Goodman (co-director of the ethics program at the University of Miami, associate professor of medicine at UM and director of the bio-ethics program) has been in the news media saying that Theresa has been unconscious for 13 years and that she has no brain, etc. (This lying in stark contrast to the testimony of Theresa’s parents, siblings, examining doctors, lawyers, and priests.) Goodman is connected to lawyers from the Shepard Broad Law Center at Nova Southeastern University in Miami such as Associate Professor of Law Kathy Cerminara (who was involved in the Nancy Cruzan case and who also co-authored a book The Right to Die) and Professor of Law Michael Masinter (a self-proclaimed disability rights advocate) who is a chair of the ACLU and who is also against Theresa receiving any help in recovery. Is there any doubt in anyone’s mind as to George Felos’ connection to these people? I have had troubles in actual case numbers lodged with the Florida AHCA and the Department of Children and Families asking them to investigate felony crimes against Theresa and subsequently lodged an evidence CD with them and other pertinent city, county, state, and federal officials that contains copious researched data and complaints in regards to crimes against her. Recipients of this evidence CD included members of the various Florida House Health Committees, the Tampa Field Office of the FBI and the US Department of Justice Disability Rights Section but I have received no significant responses.

Let us revisit Michael Schiavo. He resides and owns real estate with another woman, Jodi Centonze, whom he has called his fiancée (a person whom he has been found, through private investigation, to have known from his hometown in Pennsylvania around the time of his marriage to Theresa in 1986 and with whom he has had at least 2 known and admitted to children in the last 18 years). As regards to guardianship, in later court testimony (deposition of September 27, 1999), Michael Schiavo when asked if he would relinquish guardianship to Terri’s parents said: Basically I don’t want to do it. In answer as to why he didn’t want to do it he added: Because they put me through pretty much hell the last few years in the litigations to save their daughter from being subjected to an untimely, unjustified death, and that was the only reason. He then states: I am Terri’s husband and I will remain her guardian. Shortly thereafter Felos asks for a minute with his client. He takes Michael aside and when they come back Michael in answer to a question from Felos in regards to if there was any other reason why he refused to give up the guardianship adds: because Terri’s parents wouldn’t honor her wishes. Not only has Michael Schiavo failed to submit proper guardianship plans, etc. but Michael is a guardian with multiple conflicts of interest which should preclude him from being Theresa’s guardian. There are no two ways about it. He needs to be removed.

There is a copious amount of information in regards to all of the above therefore I cannot provide all the details here but I can be contacted at 407-925-4141 if you are interested in this and other evidence of cover-up, conflicted parties, government agencies and officials. I would now like to address some further issues and make my final plea to you to avert Theresa Schindler-Schiavo’s murder. There is evidence of tampering and cover-up of an investigation on complaints to DCF for abuse, neglect and exploitation of Mrs. Schiavo that the Attorney General on television, after the fact, said never happened. I am in touch with the complainant who DCF accidentally returned the evidence to, the evidence of which now lies in a locked vault. Many are calling for the empanelling of a grand jury to investigate crimes in the Schiavo matter and others are asking that Bernie McCabe and Charlie Crist initiate some kind of state investigation of crimes. This leads to the issue of some pre-bills, namely House Bill 0523 and Senate Bill 0988 which seek to repeal and substitute items in the so-called “Dead Man’s Statute”, Florida Statute 90.602 and 90.806 Evidence Code which would retroactively make hearsay evidence by conflicted guardians accepted in court as evidence against their incapacitated wards as being acceptable evidence of the incapacitated wards wishes to be euthanized (their so-called Right-to-Die via substituted hearsay wishes when their voice has been purposely and very criminally denied). When I inquired of Senator Skip Campbell’s office as to who he was sponsoring Senate Bill 0988 for I was told that he was sponsoring it for the overall States Attorney’s Office (members of whom have knowingly and proactively refused to investigate plain-as-day crimes perpetrated against Mrs. Schiavo by her husband/guardian and his accomplices and instructed various local law enforcement to ignore the public). I vehemently oppose the proposed repeal of Florida Statute 90-602, Evidence Code, Testimony of Interested Persons, and the adoption of the proposed replacement statute and additions under bills HB-0523 and S-0988. The repeal of the existing statute would eliminate much needed protection for the vulnerable persons of our state—the elderly and disabled adults. The statute in current existence provides protection for the estates of the deceased, mentally incompetent and incapacitated by making certain interested persons such as guardians and heirs incompetent to testify in an action against the estate regarding alleged oral communications made by the deceased or incapacitated person. There is generally no opposing testimony to meet and rebut the allegations of the interested claimant against the vulnerable person or his/her estate, and fraud and hardship could result if the surviving party was permitted to testify concerning purported oral communications made for which there is no substantiation or in other words, self-serving hearsay which cannot be contested. Such persons having a pecuniary interest MUST be prohibited from giving unsubstantiated, uncorroborated self-serving testimony or hearsay because they are of a class especially likely to speak falsely. The proposed bill would eliminate this protection for vulnerable persons and adversely affect their legal rights. This proposed amendment would conceivably allow such individuals with a financial interest in the outcome of the case to say whatever they want to say with total disregard for the truth and with no one to contest it. In criminal actions, such hearsay is inadmissible. So too must it be in actions including the vulnerable who cannot speak for themselves. The proposed legislation (HB-0523 and SB-0988) must be defeated. If it is adopted, it would be contrary to the fair administration of justice. Florida Statute 90-602 must be left in full force and effect and must be strenuously applied and enforced. There is another bill that will be brought to the House floor which is supposed to help disabled people like Theresa and I would ask that it be supported and passed and that is HB-701.

As for the various judges who have presided over Theresa’s case in court I have only this to say, that unless they act aright and save this innocent woman’s life that I will have no other option but to hold each and every one of them, who can act justly but who has failed to do so, in the highest of contempt. So far they have failed. Since they have failed I now find myself addressing each and every one of you as legislators. My question to each of you is what happened to justice and equality under the law and the good which triumphs over the bad? I address you because it is you who now hold the scales of the balance, of justice, in your hands. You are those who help to make the laws, therefore it is you who have this historic opportunity and duty towards the public trust to set the scales of the balance, of justice, aright. It is not only I but many others across this state, this nation and across this globe with whom I am in contact (including the present day Earl of Clonard in Spain, on up to and including the King of Spain [whom descend from the same bloodline as one of the world’s greatest lawyers, philosophers and statesmen Sir Francis Bacon], not to mention countless others) who exhort of you to please ensure provisions are made for Theresa Schindler-Schiavo to be:

• protectively removed (via the most effective and permanent means at your disposal) out of the hands of those who have been trying to kill her; and
• set back on the road to her recovery via rehabilitation and therapy, etc. (a road that she has been heinously and purposefully denied being able to experience the journey of for 10+ years because of a seriously conflicted husband/guardian and his helpers). This would be best served by letting her loving parents and siblings, etc. provide her with the rehabilitation, love and care that she seriously needs and deserves and which they and others of good, will most assuredly, beyond doubt, ensure that she is provided.

With your help I guarantee you that Theresa will develop her own voice and that the day will come in which she will thank each and every one of you; you who reached your loving hands down into that great dark cage to which she had been held captive by those wishing her death; you whose loving grasp pulled her to protection and safety to enjoy the fruits of this good earth among those who love and cherish her smile, her laughter, and her life.

Sincerely and most respectfully,

Juan V Schoch
Lake Mary, FL

At 6:25 AM, Blogger Unknown said...


As you are all aware Terri's days are numbered and she NEEDS our help BEFORE Schiavo and Felos pull her feeding tube and starve her to death!

This week there are TWO important events THAT WE WILL NEED AS MANY SUPPORTERS FOR TERRI TO ATTEND!!!

Please join Terri's parents and other supporters at Woodside Hospice this week where Terri is presently kept as a hospice patient.


Wednesday, February 16, 2005

1:00 PM

Woodside Hospice

6774 102nd Avenue N. (near 66th Street N and 102nd Avenue N) Pinellas Park, Fla.

(an indoor meeting at 4:00 PM will follow for all of Terri's supporters) Location of indoor meeting will be announced at the Hospice)


Thursday February 17, 2005

1:00 PM

Clearwater Courthouse

315 Court Street Clearwater, Florida 33756

We will be meeting Thursday in front of Judge Greer's courthouse for a Press Conference.

Your physical presence is needed at both of these events to help save Terri's LIFE!

Please consider how a few hours of your time this week may actually help to save the LIFE of a precious human being.

Please bring your " Save Terri" signs.

Forward this email to others, ask them to HELP save a life by attending these TWO events.

Thank you!

Contact Number Only:

Cheryl Ford RN / 813-695-0870 /Fight4Terri@aol.com

At 12:34 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Please get others to join:

The Terri Schiavo Blogroll now has 48 blogs and growing.

We are considering a press release when it hits 100 blogs. Never before have 100 or more blogs "organized" to support a single event. One hundred (plus) blogs organized to force MSM participation in addressing the continuing injustice to Terri' Schiavo at the hands of her husband and the court of Pinellas County, Florida through Judge George Greer.

Join the Terri Schiavo Blogburst!:


Visit hyscience blog and search for Terri Schiavo Blogburst to find the script to add to your blog, etc. E-mail hyscience at scienceblog@3oaks.com once you have it added or if you have any questions. It's time to burst the blogosphere for Terri! Ultimate goal? Getting her out of the hands of those trying to murder her and back on the road to her recovery in the care of her parents/siblings/etc. and those who love and want to help her.


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